International Educational Leadership Certification
In collaboration with Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Harvard Business School Online
Announcing Cohort Two
Heads of School
Deputy Heads of School
Principals / Assistant Principals
Department Leaders (academic or support staff team)
Program Start Date
Cohort Two
June 15, 2025
Expand your educational leadership capability to drive change in your school
Earn an AAIE International Educational Leadership Certification and a Harvard Certificate in School Management and Leadership (CSML). AAIE is excited to offer a multi-course certificate program that bridges the fields of business and education.
This program will offer you the opportunity to reflect on and apply learnings to your unique context while interacting with and learning from a global network.
This dual certificate program comprises a 5 course online asynchronous program in order to earn a comprehensive certificate from AAIE. You will also earn the Harvard’s CSML certificate as you fulfill the requirement of the AAIE comprehensive certificate.
5 courses
4 weeks each
Course Start Dates
June 2025
Leading Schools Strategy and Innovation
July 2025
Leading People
October 2025
Leading Change
November 2025
Leading Finances
February 2026
Leading Learning
Asynchronous Online
$3000 for 5 courses
When accepted you will be invoiced the program fees.
Program Structure
The AAIE International Educational Leadership Certification integrates expertise in managing teams and organizations with best practices in educational leadership, to provide you with frameworks, skills, and knowledge to effectively lead and drive change improvement in your school.
Program and Course Length
Each course is delivered over 4 weeks, and you are expected to engage in and contribute to approximately 4 hours per week of self-directed learning. Program certifications will be completed within a 12 month period.
Course Instruction
Course materials are delivered virtually via online learning platform so you can manage and adapt your learning to fit your schedule.
Self-directed learning
With each module, you will undertake self-directed learning activities that provide you with the opportunity to:
- Explore case studies that explore other school leaders’ experiences, insights and best practice
- Engaging in various activities to learn and network with your learning cohort
- Reflecting on your practice, knowledge, skills and understanding and identify opportunities to contextualise learning
Additionally, every week, an AAIE-hosted event will offer participants a 1-hour online session, designed to allow them to apply their learning within the international school context and share insights with other AAIE participants.
An AAIE developed four week asynchronous course called Leading Finances will focus on leading fiscal strategies to manage school resources, strategic planning, financial reporting, and optimize financial sustainability.
Harvard University
The four courses are:
Leading Change: learn to drive school change and help diverse stakeholders establish priorities and improve practice.
Leading School Strategy and Innovation: identify existing challenges, incorporate and support innovation, and take a strategic problem-solving approach to plan and drive school improvement.
Leading People: manage and motivate staff, foster continuous improvement, and build leadership capabilities among individuals, groups, and teams throughout the school.
Leading Learning: develop school structures, systems, supports, and culture that lead to excellent teaching and learning in every classroom, for every student.
If you would like more information about the courses, please download the course catalog, or contact Cameron at
Program Application
Applications and acceptance into the program is done through the AAIE. By submitting an application, you are applying to all five courses in order to complete the full certification.
If accepted to the program, participants should plan on completing all five courses within one academic year.
Once you have completed your application form, you will be notified of acceptance and invoiced for program fees.
Course Enrollment
Participants will need to enroll for each course. A course access code and enrollment instructions will be provided to each participant prior to the start of the course.
Contact Information
Contact Cameron Janzen, AAIE Project Lead, at for more detailed information about the program, schedule and fees.