Register as an AAIE Partner Member
This membership is for corporations, commercial companies and professional organizations which support the mission of AAIE and provide services and resources to schools, colleges, universities and organizations engaged in programs of international education. Partner Members have full access to AAIE online newsletters and publications. Partner Members are exclusively featured in the AAIE International Resource Directory and entitled to purchase a page on AAIE’s Market Street. It is the exclusive privilege of Partner Members to exhibit at the annual leadership conference and sponsor conference functions. More information on 2024 Partner Member Sponsorship will be available shortly. Many Partner Members also engage in partnerships with AAIE to support School Members accessing their products and services at a special discount rate. This is a non-voting membership.
member privileges
What is included in your Partner Membership
AAIE Partner Membership brings together school leaders from around the globe to share knowledge and support through the global AAIE community.
Leadership Knowledge and Support
Unlimited access to diverse leadership insights, training, curated materials, blogs and much more for all members within your organization. This includes access to enjoy and contribute to:
- Publish articles or share expertise in our research journal, InterED
- Participate in events and activities related to your area of expertise.
- Eligible to participate in AAIE's Market Street (additional fee required)
- Networking and Community Access
Unlimited access to/awareness building through the following:
- AAIE Community Portal access.
- AAIE online membership directory with logo entry
- Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities at the AAIE Annual Global Leadership CONVERSATION
- Exclusive presentation, exhibit and sponsorship opportunities at AAIE Regional and Summer Institutes
- Eligible for AAIE Leadership and Membership Awards
What are the requirements for Partner Membership
To qualify for Partner Membership, your commercial organization must be:
Supportive of the mission of AAIE
Committed to ethical and legal business practices
- Intent on providing services and products that support our membership in successful leadership of their international school, faculty and community
What does it cost to join as a Partner Member
The membership fee structure continues to reflect fairness to corporations, commercial companies and professional organizations.
2024-2025 Partner Fees (to July 1, 2025)
Membership fees as of July 1, 2024
How to get started on your Partner Membership
Please complete the registration form below and make payment to complete your membership. Questions? Please contact us.