The Margaret Sanders



Margaret Sanders


Gulf Coast Community Foundation


Margaret Sanders' career with Walsworth Publishing Company began in 1961. During her storied forty-year career, Sanders traveled the world assisting schools with the publication of their yearbooks. Sanders developed a very close connection with the overseas 'American/International' schools as well as their diverse and interesting populations. Sanders established this scholarship fund to "give back" to the community that gave her so many exciting opportunities and personal rewards. Further, The Margaret Sanders Foundation was established to fund educational opportunities for members of the overseas schools community that she found within our AAIE family.

The scholarships are awarded to the students who demonstrate character strengths such as persistence and motivation, resourcefulness, as well as acceptance of other cultures and points of view. The nominated students should also display a genuine interest in, and sustained commitment to the welfare of others, as reflected through participation in school activities, and community/civic involvement. Factors considered in the selection process include academic achievement, financial need, and higher education and vocational aspirations that will impact future improvements within local and global communities. Leadership and service contributions that directly address community and societal needs and solutions will be considered in the selection process. 


Application for the 2024-2025
Margaret Sanders Scholarship is now open


High school students graduating from a Regional Association Member School within the various educational regions are eligible to apply. Only one candidate from each region will be put forward for the final selection process. 


The 2024-25 Margaret Sanders Student Scholarship Award application window is now open. The deadline for submission of applications has been extended to 1 December, 2024.
If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please contact Anna Santori at to receive the application information and instructions. 

Regional Organization Contacts


2023-2024 Winners

Congratulations to this year's winners of the Margaret Sanders Student Scholarship Winners

AAIE is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023-2024 Margaret Sanders Student Scholarship Award. This prestigious and highly competitive award is given each year to a graduating high school senior that meets the criteria of outstanding academic achievement, intrinsic motivation and organization, and a commitment of service to the community. This diverse group of students each hopes to move into a variety of careers - each one having picked a complete different area of study.  Our world will become a better place with leaders such as these young people and AAIE wishes each of them the very best.  


Ana Ilieva

NOVA International School Skopje, Macedonia 




Past Winners

Ioana Dobre

Ioana Dobre

American International School Bucharest (CEESA)

  • 2020-21
Zeamanuel Zeweldu

Zeamanuel Zeweldu

International Community School of Addis Ababa (AISA)

  • 2020-21
Ester Ferreira

Ester Ferreira

American School of Belo Horizonte (AMISA)

  • 2020-21